
Her name means mighty in battle. She was a warrior like no other. Rising before the dawn, she gathered her soldiers while the enemy slept. Her weapon was unstoppable. Her passion unmatched. She fought not for herself but for those she loved, and her love was exhaustive and overreaching. Her eyes pierced the soul, reading the heart as though knowing one's thoughts.

No one contended with her. She was bold, fierce, unyielding.

But she didn't use conventional weapons. No guns. No knives. No suicide bombers. She didn't send anyone to fight in her place. Neither did she use conventional techniques. She was skilled, actively engaged in training—daily, almost constant training. But she didn't use Taekwondo or Kung Fu. No drugs or magic. She didn't even have a particular fighting stance.

She fought with her hands.

Sometimes holding a child. Sometimes holding a hand. Or offering a hand.

Sometimes she fought on her knees with her hands folded.

Matilde did not wrestle flesh and blood. She wrangled with demons. She subdued their will with prayer, and soothed the wounds of those they afflicted with the antidote to their hate, unwavering love.

While the angels welcome her into never-ending life, I mourn the loss of her presence. Matilde, mighty in battle, was no ordinary warrior. She was a commanding general. I can still hear her middle of the night cry. "Soldiers of the Lord, Rise up." It was her call to battle. Her call to every-morning prayer. She fought for her family, for her community, even for her enemies.

She has won her fight. Matilde was indeed mighty in battle. And I will never forget her words that quaked my soul.

"Compassion is the weapon of the Lord."

There is no resting in peace for Matilde. She is singing and dancing. "Bondye se bon." God is good.

Matilde was a force for good in the village of Grand Goave, Haiti. Her influence will continue to send ripples around the world for years to come and until eternity. I invite you to honor her memory and her influence with a gift to her legacy, Lifeline Christian Mission. Click here to donate.